Monday, January 27, 2020

Independent Variable Dependent Variable Marketing Essay

Independent Variable Dependent Variable Marketing Essay The idea of business is an organized strategy to earn money. This idea forced the businesses for taking the important actions to improve not only the product qualities but also its packaging because packaging has a greater impact on purchase decision. It is the initial stage to experience whether this fulfill customers need perfectly as the product looks. Throughout Pakistan a lot of diary can be found together with unique brand names along with top quality such as Nestle, Olpers, Haleeb.Even though dairy products industry is very aggressive however there is positive change connected with packaging for the manufacturer inclination. Packaging attracts the consumers concentration to buy particular brand and increase brand image and influence towards consumers(Rundh,2005).Packaging characteristics can be evaluate in terms of 4 variables i.e. Size,shape,safety,package and ingredients detail attractiveness in context (Silayoi Speece,2004).This research paper evaluate five variable of packaging characteristics i.e. size of package, safety of product, shape of package, display of ingredients on package and package attractiveness. Packaging characteristics shows large influence on the consumer in brand preference. Consumer frequently assumes that if packaging characteristics are viable it shows that brand is of high quality and helps in decision making of consumer (Ampuero, O., Vila, N. 2006) Packaging characteristics creates uniqueness in brand (Silayoi Speece,2004) Packaging plays a vital role buying decision of packaged milk buyers. It is also positively associated with brand loyalty (Subhani, M.I., Osman, A.2011).This research paper finds that how packaging characteristics effects consumer brands preference in case of milk brands. Literature Review Appearance capabilities, pairing colorings, styles, shape, designs, along with announcements involving Foods, offer folks brand associate by way of example inside a departmental retail store many refreshments are usually held within exact same place yet client involving distinct brand can potentially separate his / her selection as a consequence of big difference involving color, dimension along with unambiguous shape (Nancarrow et al., 1998) Product Packaging is usually a application to create excellent partnership between Stores along with Meal Makers due to the fact each perform more tightly to build products designed for latest life styles, based on the latest technology. Some sort of Store, acquiring primary web page link having end users, can easily become very well aware about this belief associated with people. On the other hand manufacturers transform appearance type along with item top quality on the basis of information given by retailers. It has generated a good exploding market interested in able to try to eat foods, a niche through which appearance can be playing an increasingly essential role. (Vidales Giovannetti, 1995) Presently people have grown a lot more informed about the product packaging offered to all of them through products. The part involving product packaging provides modified in recent times given that mainly as a result of changing life-style and desires on the people. Corporations include commenced take enhancements throughout product packaging given that their own philosophy in recent times include modified which beneficial and special product packaging may stimulate client buying behaviors. The item is just about the method to obtain customers interest toward offerings, enhances the image on the manufacturer and enhances the perceptions on the client for your solution (Rundh, 2005) Product packaging attracts a persons vision of the buyers for any unique model. With advertising and marketing situation appearance represents a very crucial part inside speaking the goods towards buyers along with eventually raises consumers purchase options (Rita Kuvykaite, 2009)Â   Statement of the problem To determine the effect of packaging characteristics on consumer brand preference in packaged milk brands. Theoretical framework Packaging characteristics Consumer Brand Preference Independent variable Dependent Variable Operational definition Packaging characterisitics: It is measured on the questions of questionnaire on the following dimensions Size of Package Shape of Package Safety of Product Display of ingredients on Package Package attractiveness Consumer brand preference: It is measured in terms of level of agreement and disagreement to buy a product. Measured on 5 point Likert Scale Research Objectives To find out the effect of Packaging Characteristics on Consumer Brand Preference of packaged milk brands in Pakistan .checking the relation of Consumer Brand Preference with the following characteristics of packaging Size of Package Shape of Package Safety of Product Package Attractiveness Hypothesis H1: packaging characteristics are positively associated with consumer brand preference of package milk H1a: size of package is positively associated with consumer brand preference of packaged milk H1b: shape is positively associated with effects consumer brand preference of packaged milk H1c: safety of packaging is positively associated with consumer brand preference of packaged milk H1d: Package attractiveness is positively associated with consumer brand preference of packaged milk H1e: Display of ingredients is positively associated with consumer brand preference of packaged milk Research design The research design for this study will be quantitative research strategy during which questionnaires are going to be undertaken when data will be collected. The questionnaires will be self administered and the respondents will be the buyers at general stores. Population and sample Population will be the buyers at the general stores in saddar, hayatabad and town of Peshawar. And for sampling about 300 questionnaires will be distributed through simple random sampling in different grocery stores at saddar, hayatabad and town of Peshawar. Instruments In this research paper questionnaire is packaging characteristics based secondly it is based on comparison of different brands of diary product that how packaging effect the consumer purchase decision and thirdly it is based on the agreement and disagreement level of consumer brand selection with respect to the characteristics of packaging .Questionnaire will be closed ended and the answers will be recorded in the Likert five point scales. Data Collection In this research data will be collected through questionnaire for analysis. The data will be collected through personal survey at different stores of sadder, hayatabad and town of Peshawar by filling the questionnaire. Data Analysis In this research paper data will be analyze by using Pearson Correlation to find the relation between packaging characteristics and consumer brand preference and for the interpretation of the data SPSS 16 will used.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Wordsworth’s Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 Essay

Wordsworth’s Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 The sonnet, â€Å"Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802,† shows Wordsworth’s appreciating the beauty of London and demonstrating it as â€Å"emotion recollected in tranquility.† It’s characteristic of his love for solitude that it is set in the early morning when there is no bustle and noise. Wordsworth is in awe of the scenic beauty of the morning sun radiating from London’s great architectural marvels. However, there are numerous religious connotations throughout this poem. This is indicated in his choice of the words: â€Å"dull,† â€Å"soul,† and â€Å"majesty† in the following lines, â€Å"Dull would he be of soul who could not pass by A sight so touching in its majesty; This City†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The word â€Å"majesty† portrays â€Å"This City† as anointed by God to represent his kingdom on Earth. Dead in spirit would one be if he of she was not moved or appreciated its beauty. Wordsworth also uses the word â€Å"temple† a few lines down. He could have written church. The word â€Å"temple† was used to enhance the belief that the city was chosen by God. ...

Saturday, January 11, 2020

British Aerospace Company

To document operational impact based on currently implemented strategies and show potential effects if continued based on forecasted data results by a financial model. Parties Parties Involves BAE Systems Board of Directors and the Business Consultant (Student’s Name). Methods and Processes A review of the company’s background information that has led to the strategy proposal and presentation of forecasted financial data by the use of financial models. Outputs/Deliverables BAE Systems will have a clear understanding of its current financial position and may reconsider the consultant’s recommended approach on strategy.Time Frame The final report shall be submitted to BAE Systems Board of Directors by May 9 2019. Cost Estimate Still negotiable based on the approval and implementation of the proposed strategy. 2) Executive summary The aim for this report is to study the strategies implemented by BAE Systems during the last accounting year. BAE Systems with its 106,0 00 employees worldwide delivers a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, security, Information technology solutions and customer support services (BAE Systems 2010).With the application of the company’s annual report for 2009 this study will analyse by comparing its strategies to a newly proposed one by showing financial projections using valuation models. 3) Proposition of a new strategy for BAE Systems The Aerospace and Global Defence industry can be considered an extremely cyclical. As seen on annual reports of the companies belonging to this industry year to year revenue figures can fluctuate dramatically (Brylawski 1995).And currently this industry have also its share of intense competition, challenges on meeting government regulations and securing large defence contracts. Currently, BAE systems is the largest aerospace and global defence contractors in the world (West 2010). Operating as a group in seven home markets with a wide portfolio of products and capabilities serving defence customers across the air, land and sea domains (BAE Systems 2010:5). But based on its Annual report on the previous fiscal year, it posted a net loss of ?45 million (see Appendix 2 : Group Income Statement), despite the annual revenue of ? 22. 4 billion and the underlying operating income of ? 982 million. The loss was mainly due to regulation penalties incurred during that fiscal year. This report is to provide a strategy that would ensure profitability on years to come given the volatility of the industry of BAE systems and the effects of inflation (which rose from 2. 9% to 3. 5% in 2009). Strategy taking into account methods to raise revenue, cost reduction and effective corporate governance would be recommended. 3.1 General competitive position of BAE Systems On the group current strategy based on its vision in which to be the premier global defence, security and aerospace company; and mission to remain to deliver sustainable growth in shareholder value through a commitment to Total Performance (BAE Systems 2010:14). The current focus of strategy is positioning to optimise progress the business in the current environment, the Group Strategic Framework continues to develop to recognise against the strategic objectives, and to highlight the Group’s focus on delivery and performance (BAE Systems 2010:14).This strategy has worked effectively during all the acquisitions and disposals transacted from the year 200 to 2009. For the group/department of BAE systems the Electronics, Intelligence & Support, the acquisition on the year 2000 of two former Lockheed Martin businesses, Control Systems and Aerospace Electronics Systems, have made BAE and the group the world leader in digital engine controls, flight controls and electronic warfare solutions.For the Land & Armaments group, another key strategy of acquisition that has established a global land systems business was implemented on years 2004, 2005 and 2007, when the company acquired Alvis, United Defense and Armor Holdings respectively. For the Programmes & Support Division, another key acquisition that has provided access to government security business was done in 2008, when the company have finally acquired Detica and together with the acquisition of VT Group’s shipbuilding business has further strengthened the Group’s global maritime business (BAE Systems 2010:16).And lastly for the international sector BAE as a group has become Australia’s largest defence contractor primarily due to the acquisition of Tenix Defence in 2008 (Smith & Frost 2008). According to the firms most current Annual report total sales revenue is at ? 22. 4 billion (see Table 1) an increase of 21% from 2008 numbers, operating income at ? 982 million (see Appendix 2: Group Income Statement), total assets listed at ? 25. 4 billion and total equity at ? 4. 7 billion (2009).Table 1 show the percentage of Sales genera ted by each group under the BAE Systems in 2009 Source extracted from the Annual Report 2009. Using the Porter’s five forces analysis, we can derive a strategy outlining the major forces in Aerospace & Global Defence Industry. Bargaining Power of Suppliers BAE Systems has a wide range of suppliers for both large and small companies, thus if decided to switch; costs is not an issue, as long it can find a better supplier that can match technological capability to customer requirements.Currently BAE systems apply SBAC 21st Century Supply Chain Programme – SC21 tools and techniques for operational performance management and the tiered approach to supplier management (BAE Systems 2010). There are some areas of production for BAE like the creation of fighter aircrafts in which its supplier’s are usually concentrated and has strong labor unions, but again due to diversity of the overall business operations of BAE the assessment of this supplier power can be considered at medium risk.Threat of Substitutes BAE systems is aware of its competitors’ ability to provide other substitute weaponry to its customers, but not every competitor can offer in-house equipment and production quality that BAE can actually deliver. The threat of substitute can be considered medium, because there is still the existence of low priced but relatively competitive arms and weapons companies in the aerospace industry. Bargaining Power of BuyersThe power of buyers describes the effect that the firm’s customers have on the profitability of BAE overall. Even though based in the UK, BAE’s main buyers are in the US. BAE’s US subsidiary alone has accounted for 58. 5% of total group sales (West 2010). The US Government in defence is by large have a lot of economic power and because of this the buyer’s power can be considered high due to the challenge of capturing a high proportion of the value created is reduced.BAE’s large buyers have si gnificant leverage to negotiate lower prices because of the threat of losing a buyer that accounts for more than a half of total sales revenue, BAE is on a weak position. Threat of New Entrants The threat of new entrants for BAE can be considered low, due to the Aerospace and defence large capital requirements, customer’s brand loyalty, government regulations, economies of scale unique products and BAE’s wide range access to inputs for continuous production.If a new firm decides to enter the market, in order to just compete with the wide range of products and services being currently available for BAE, the former needs to undertake a massive an expensive campaign for marketing just to introduce their products, and the challenge is also the effectively of this marketing campaign since BAE systems have already established a strong brand identity in arms industry.BAE has also the advantage of an advanced production system with key access to inputs, which a new firm may be overwhelmed to know that in order to be at par with the existing firms it has to have an outstanding production system with access to key inputs as well. Rivalry among Existing Competitors Among the other forces of this critical framework, the rivalry among BAE’s competitors is quite high. Major competitors globally by BAE are EADS from France, Raytheon from the US, Lockheed Martin and Boeing also from the US, and from the UK Rolls-Royce.Majority of these companies have posted significant high sales revenue for the fiscal year period of 2009, and they also continue to consolidate to remain competitive. Becoming the market leader has been the main goal of all players in the Aerospace and Global defence industry, and with government budget cuts (Wachman 2010), especially in the US, competition on securing large contracts have never been intense. Overall cost of production is significantly high in this field, firms may tend to overproduce and reduce prices to sell more.3. 2 Str ategy recommendation BAE needs to be aware of its Book value and its total earnings, especially on depreciating assets. The strategy recommended, is to continue to acquire financially stable companies to add key improvements to the group, this is just one way to reflect a high closing book value, and dispose or sell, non performing divisions of the group. The BAE group should create a plan to maximize shareholder’s value by buying back their market shares by allocating an appropriate portion of their capital.And due to lack of future contracts, they may opt to cut a portion of their work force just to drive down costs and focus the need to drive efficiencies across the business and the continued development of four global initiatives Land, Security, Readiness & Sustainment and Unmanned Aircraft Systems. 3. 3 Financial forecast To be able to compare and contrast the current and the proposed strategy, financial projection will be employed, to outline key differences and possibl e improvements for the Board of Directors for BAE System, and base their decision on its results. 3. 3. 1 Financial forecast based on current strategyUsing the residual Income and Dividend Valuation Models, we can forecast the 5 year financial projections based on the current strategy, all of the necessary inputs are available in the Balance Sheet of BAE systems (see Appendix 3) except for the Ke (Cost of Equity) in which we will compute as follows. Ke = 17. 6p (projected dividends next year with 10% value projection) + 0. 10 330. 30 GBX ( source: current FT Market data) Ke (Cost of Equity) = is valued at . 15 or 15%. Now we can compute for BAE Systems residual income using data we already have. On Table 3 we can see each individual outputs in millions of ?.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Harsh Realities Of War - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 769 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/08/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Topics: All Quiet On The Western Front Essay Did you like this example? The harsh realities of war force soldiers to undergo drastic personality transformations making them feel disconnected from their previous way of life. The war separates them from their past both physically and psychologically. In his novel All Quiet on the Western Front, Remarque uses books, poplar trees, and butterflies to illustrate the life altering effects that the horrors of war impose on the soldiers, their perception toward these elements changes as they become transformed by its reality. One of the important elements in the story that underscores the changes that the war imposes on the soldiers is books. Paul and his schoolmates lose their strong affinity for books due to their exposure to the reality of the atrocities of war. At the beginning of the book, Paul introduces his classmates, Mller, who still carries his school textbooks with him, [and] dreams of examination (Remarque 4). At this point of the story, Mller still maintains a strong affinity to books that have educated him into becoming an intellectual. By visualizing about examinations, Mller maintains his civilian identity, and has not faced the reality of the war. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Harsh Realities Of War" essay for you Create order Later in the story, Paul returns to his home and as he encounters his collection of books in his room, he wants that quiet recapture again and the same powerful, nameless urge that [he] used to feel when [he] turned to his books (Remarque 83). Paul realizing his transformation, longs for the old days when he found comfort in the content of the books had to offer for him. The realization that he no longer connects to his books, illustrates that Paul has lost his civilians identity which has transformed into that of a soldier. The vivid realities of the war the soldiers are experiencing deeply sever their strong connection with books. In their fight for survival, another important element of their past, the poplar trees, take on a different purpose. When dreaming about his past, Paul vividly recalls a line of old poplars by a stream [he] loved them dearly, and the image of those days still makes [his] heart pause in its beating (Remarque 60). Paul reminisces about his childhood, creating a clear image of his strong feelings towards the poplar trees which held his fantasies. His pleasant memories of the poplar, allow him to maintain a fragile connection to his previous life. As the realities of the war set in, the poplars take on a different purpose, Paul describes, there are four more batteries of nine-inch guns to the right of the farm, and behind the poplars they have put in trench-mortars (Remarque 51). In contrast to his dream of the poplars, the trees have now become part of the war. The trees are no longer held Pauls fantasies, as they have become associated with the weaponry of war. Poplar trees are now another way to illustrate how the harsh realities of war are beginning to take hold of the soldiers consciousness. Pauls perception of butterflies that once brought him joy also become altered into the symbols of death. While Paul is describing the war setting and circumstances as being more appealing than he had imagined, he focuses his attention on the white butterflies and how the white butterflies flutter around and float on the soft warm wind of the late summer (Remarque 7). His description of his surroundings, which include the butterflies are an attempt to make the war seem like a positive situation. Before going up to the frontline, Paul sees the butterflies as a sign of hope. However now that the soldiers are in the frontline, the description of the butterflies take on a different tone, There is not a plant nor a flower in miles. [The butterflies] settle on the teeth of a skull. (Remarque 63). As a juxtaposition to the previous description of the butterflies, they become part of the war. The symbol of the butterflies has transitioned from hope to death. As with the other symbols in the b ook, the butterflies take on a much darker meaning and become devoid of hope. One of the strongest influences in the lives of Paul and his comrades, their love of books, becomes meaningless as a result of the war. Another important connection to their past, the poplar trees change from pleasant memory of Pauls childhood into another weaponry of war. The butterflies also undergo a transformation as they change from invoking hope to an image of death. War has devastating effects on the people who are called on to fight for their country; even if they manage to survive, they are no longer the same individuals as they started out.